Get into action!
If you are ready to build your profitable business & become a "get it done" kind of entrepreneur…
It’s time to join The Work Smart Marketing Club.
Want more DREAM clients, but tired of posting & hoping?
Join the Work Smart Marketing Club.
I've helped hundreds of rockstar experts systematically attract clients, build their audience & brand message, & SELL their offers!
No more spinning your wheels in "information overload!" ❌ Get the tools & steps that helped me build a full-time business since 2017. ✅
Nail your offer, simplify your marketing, rock your sales confidence, &
Get More DONE in Less Time!
Does this sound like you?
You want to book online or local clients, but you lack a clear plan, "know-how," or consistency.
You get crickets whenever you post about your services on social media, even though a lot of people tell you you’re inspirational.
You LOVE coaching or the service you do, but you can’t seem to attract people who are ready to pay for the value you provide.
You want to show up confidently online, but you have LOADS of ideas & questions about where to start or what your next move should be.
Get into action!
If you are ready to build your profitable business & become a "get it done" kind of entrepreneur…
It’s time to join The Work Smart Marketing Club.
The Work Smart Marketing Benefits
The Work Smart Marketing Club supports you with how to...
Grow your audience & find your ideal clients
Create a clear, no brainer offer you feel excited to sell
Do what TOP entrepreneurs do to be more productive in less hours
Promote your business with a CONFIDENT, CLEAR message
Save time with my content & marketing systems and templates
If you feel like there's ALWAYS "more to do" & you are struggling to keep up, this club will help you PRIORITIZE & get out of spinning your wheels.
You’d love more income coming in from your OWN business…
You’d love to make a bigger impact…
You'd love for this to be the year you stop letting lack of time & "information overload" get in the way of ACTION...
So, join The Work Smart tribe to be around other dedicated entrepreneurs & get proven steps from someone who has been in your shoes…
How does Work Smart Marketing work?
Inside of this monthly membership club, you’ll receive...
Hailey is second to none! Her guidance & knowledge-she truly goes above and beyond to help you-has shaped me into a more confident business owner, which, in turn, has benefited me as a Health and Wellness Consultant.
I cannot single out one thing that she delves into that wasn’t inspiring-everything ties into one, and it all comes together for the ultimate goal you want to achieve-and that is SUCCESS!!!
Before signing with Hailey, believe me-I looked into other people, but not one of them could compare or are even remotely close to how dedicated Hailey is and how she takes a genuine approach to making sure all of your concerns are acknowledged and your questions are answered.
One thing is for sure-the best decision I ever made for myself & my business was choosing Hailey Rowe!
I have been a membership client of The Work Smart Membership for the past year, and I cannot recommend it and Hailey enough. She goes above and beyond to help with absolutely any sales, mindset, or marketing obstacle you may be facing.
If you’re stuck with deciding on your niche, need help deciding on your offerings, don’t know what to post on social media to attract leads, wonder where your marketing efforts should be focused, need some help getting past limiting beliefs holding you back, Hailey is the coach for you!
There truly isn’t any challenge she’s not able to troubleshoot and help you create the next steps or strategy to get past. Her expertise and dedication to help her clients get clients and build a business aligned with your values and vision is inspiring!
Thank you so much for all your help and patience this past year, Hailey. I have really enjoyed being your client and learning from you.
You are such a kind, supportive, sweet, lighthearted and knowledgeable human being. Your guidance has been invaluable, and I am forever grateful for everything you’ve done to help me grow.
It’s been a pleasure working with Hailey as a member of her Work Smart Monthly Membership program.
Within the first 3 months of working with Hailey, I was able to increase my fee by 20%. Now I feel I am getting paid what I am worth.
The investment in joining this Monthly program has been well worth it and has already paid for itself.
I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to get started marketing their business but just do not know where to start.
Get instant access to the step-by-step...
2X Per Month Personalized Profit & Productivity Group Q&A Sessions
Get custom step-by-step guidance to prevent overwhelm & personal coaching support. All calls are also recorded for your convenience & you get instant access to all past calls.
Complete access to my Profitable Niche & Content Course
Decide your profitable niche, create content that drives interest, & optimize your social media bios with this actionable course.
Book Discovery Calls Using Instagram Course
Get the 4 steps to book discovery calls & clients using Instagram- even if you don't have many followers & are newer to the platform!
Influential Brand Message Training
Simplify attracting and converting your ideal clients with the 7 keys to an influential brand message. You can also get coached on your niche, brand message, & social media posts on our 2x per month membership sessions!
Membership Community
Bounce ideas off of other members, stay accountable, & connect with like-minded successful coaches & service providers! As a part of the Work Smart Community, you can also submit any requests for future training topics.
Generate Visibility & Leads Using Facebook Training
Learn how to increase your Facebook audience, optimize your profile & page, and create your own Facebook Group.
Join to Get Instant Access & ALL The Bonuses
30-Day Refund Policy if you find it's not a fit for you. Read Terms & Conditions at checkout for policy details.
I've been in Hailey's marketing membership for a year and have yet to see a question she can't answer. Hailey takes time to get to the core of questions posed by each member, answers thoroughly, and has a document at her fingertips to share to help us take action.
When I get stuck, I can go back to the content library and find information to help me move through. I appreciate how the information is organized which saves me time as I can go directly to the section I need.
My favorite aspect to the membership is that Hailey covers what is truly needed without the extra fluff.
It gets overwhelming with all the bells and whistles, the new strategies and tech. Hailey keeps it simple, real, and easy to implement.
I love Hailey's monthly membership.
She always has a useful topic that she talks about and then we are able to ask about anything we need help with and get on the spot coaching.
It's personally way less stressful for me that I don't feel like I'm falling behind doing "all the things." Hailey always has great answers and suggestions.
I definitely recommend her!
Hailey helped me get my business off the ground by optimizing my niche, offering, and social media presence.
She provided the guidance to set up my sales funnel and introduced me to Google My Business, and how to set it up which is really where I get most of my Pilates clients from.
It was really the little details that I would not have known if it weren’t for her.
She has a wealth of knowledge and experience in marketing and sales.
Along the way, she will coach you to change your mindset about running a business. I recommend Hailey!
If the membership would be of benefit to you & your business growth, consider this investment as an opportunity to practice resourcefulness. Chances are... you're spending $97 a month on SOMETHING that doesn't move you forward in your business, what if you could re-allocate your budget?
If you're facing indecision about what's the next right move for you, click here for my Decision Eval Guide.
The longer you wait to address root problems in your business that are keeping you stagnant, the more months go by without revenue growth.
If you have done other programs in the past, that doesn’t mean you have to penalize yourself from getting the right support for you. If you’d like to see some of the tangible wins & results my clients have received, please refer to the “Client Wins” & “Client Love” highlights on my Instagram account.
I’ve supported hundreds of coaches & online entrepreneurs with...
● Gaining the clarity about their message & marketing plan
● Staying accountable & committed to their goals for their business
● Making use of their past programs as needed & using them to complement my programs
● Moving past mindset blocks that kept them from using their past programs & investments to gain an ROI
● Implementing my tools & support to create a profitable coaching business
If you’d like my personal feedback on which of my coaching programs is the best fit for your goals, click here to schedule a Free Consult.
Yes, this membership gives you implementable tools, templates, and resources that help you TAKE ACTION in your business. Decide today to become a CREATOR using proven tools instead of just accumulating more information from the internet.
Plus, if you're feeling overloaded with information you're not utilizing, you can get coached on that in our monthly Q&A sessions!
The calls ARE recorded and the monthly dates/times vary. As a member, you can submit your general availability and I customize the monthly times to when the majority of members are available.
If you cannot make it to the calls, you can submit questions in advance!
If you are seeking private coaching, click here to schedule a Free Consult to see if private coaching is a fit.
However, I do offer a "VIP MEMBER" perk that incorporates private coaching: When you stay in the membership for 12 consecutive months, you can redeem 2 private 45-minute coaching sessions WITH a custom "next steps" strategy plan after each session.
The monthly trainings are based on members' requests.
They are centered around helping YOU work smarter, expand your audience & credibility, and make more sales. You'll also have a chance to get your questions answered after the monthly training portion of the call. Plus, you'll have a customized group Q&A session each month.
To recap... There are 2 LIVE sessions... The monthly training with Q&A, and the monthly Q&A.
You can join now for $97 per month and if you want to cancel, you can email me at You must cancel 48-hours before your payment date for the month you want to cancel for.
If you choose to stay, there are perks such as...
This will vary. However, I can assure you that you will be able to get your questions answered in a small group format.
If the group becomes larger than what I feel is beneficial for everyone, I will split up the groups so you can be 100% sure you will be able to have your questions answered.
This membership is for you if you are just starting out or a seasoned entrepreneur, because I am supporting you with the timeless principles of sales & marketing, the latest changes in the industry, and how to apply them to your situation.
I've worked with members who don't even know their target audience and don't have an offer yet... and clients who've made several high-ticket sales & are doing their business fulltime.
I can’t wait to see you inside of The Work Smart Marketing Club because I know you’re working hard and want to see the fruits of your labor!
This membership will equip you with the sales, marketing, time management, & mindset skills to be a THRIVING Entrepreneur or Coach.
Let me tell you… I know how frustrating it is to start a business on your own with no formal training in marketing & sales.
When I first started my coaching business back in 2010, I had only ONE uncommitted client for $50 per session. Just a girl with a ton of certifications and a big dream to make an impact…. But I quickly realized that I HAD to learn sales & marketing if I wanted to keep my business alive.
So, I got my Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship at Loyola Marymount University, worked in Business Development & Marketing for several startups, & hired COUNTLESS mentors & coaches.
I discovered that the principles of sales and marketing could be learned & implemented when broken down into a framework.
So, I created my own F.A.S.T. Way Framework [Followers, Action, Sales, Time & Transformation] & it allowed me to grow my business from 1 uncommitted client at $50 per session to over 6-figures & still in the full-time game since 2017!
Since then, I've been honored to be named by Chicago Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the Top 25 Coaches in Chicago and named by The Primal Health Coach Institute as one of the Top 6 Business Coaches for Health Coaches. Not to mention, I've worked with hundreds of coaches & service providers on growing their businesses.
YOU ARE CAPABLE AND IT IS POSSIBLE for you to go full-time in your business & create the lifestyle you want. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not. Join our tribe & let’s get started!
© Copyright 2024 Hailey Rowe. All Rights Reserved.